Thursday, February 5


teeheehee! I'm back!
miss me rite?!
am so lazy to post blog recently!
wanted to blog but ended up writing nothing~
there was something i wanted to share actually
guess what?
yesterday morning,
i was finding for my shoes before going to school
find find find... aha! got it~
then quickly take it and go in the car...
then when i reached school,
while i was walking down the stairs
walk, walk ,walk...
thinking: why my right leg like so pain one?
look down...
i wear the wrong shoe...
i took my sister's right shoe and my own left shoe!
at night when i reached home,
mum and sis laughed their head off!
and one more thing~
shu fei gonna get dedication on VALENTINE'S DAY!
lol! guess who gonna send it?
wanna know ar?
curious rite?
heart itchy d rite?
next Friday only tell u~ hahaha xD

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